Forest Management and Stewardship Plans


Forest Management and Stewardship Plans

An important component to managing your forest is having a plan. A forest management plan is a tool which provides the present landowner, as well as future owners, with direction for the management of their property based on their goals and objectives.  This can save a landowner time and money, increase financial returns, and enhance aesthetics and recreational benefits.  We work closely with landowners to identify short term and long-term forest resource goals and objectives.  A detailed forest management plan can and should be used for many years as a guide for improving the health, productivity, and value of your woodlot and natural resource.  Over the years we have written many plans and have had the chance to see the positive outcome and benefit they provide to both the landowner and to the land itself.

Our stewardship plans generally include, but not limited to the following:

  • Land owner goals and objectives
  • Property description
  • History of the property
  • Recreational resources, cultural features, and scenic values
  • Forest management and natural resource goals and objectives
    • Wildlife habitat
    • Endangered species
    • Wetlands and water quality
    • Insects and disease
    • Soils
  • Timber stand descriptions
  • Timber volumes and values
  • Stand specific silvicultural recommendations
  • Future management activity and timber harvesting schedule
  • Property map, aerial photo, forest type map, topographic map, and soils map
  •  Boundary line information and maintenance